Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Here's a picture of the finished tutu. Sophi has played in this everyday since I made it for her. She loves it and loves for me to take pictures of her princessing around. It only took me a few hours once I figured out what I was doing. (thanks Laurel)It's totally worth it. Mainly i'm just really proud of myself for making it for her. I rarely do stuff like that and during the process I realized that it was really enjoyable. I am going to start doing more inexpensive little projects. I'll have to start slow, because I get overwhelmed easily. It's great to know that I can make something for my children or home, without spending alot of money, and without a butt load of extra time.


Laurel said...

So cute. Loved making it with you!

Aly said...

You are flippin' awesome! That is darling. My sis makes those too, but not like a full dress, and she doesn't even have girls. that is adorable! Fab job girl!

Janelle said...

That is TOTALLY cute Carli!

Chandy said...

I love the tutu! I remember you telling me about it when we talked last (months ago, too long). I knew you were "freakin' awesome" all along.