Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gabers is potty trained.

Whoops! I forgot to mention that my little Gaber's had a birthday, and... he's potty trained. What a good present, for me. We made it just in time for his 3rd birthday. Donny was the determined one, mainly because he didn't want to buy diapers anymore. I thought it would be such a nightmare, but it turned out great. I think he was just ready for it. We didn't use any fancy potty chairs or anything. Actually, we went to walmart and let him pick out a little toilet seat that goes on the potty. It had cars on it of course. Then, I went to the dollar store and picked out a bunch of little cheap things that I thought he would like. Everytime he went peepee, he was able to pick a treat out of the dollar store bag, and, he got a cookie. I don't believe in bribery by the way. After the first week we got him down to one cookie every time he went peepee and 2 cookies after you know what. It was really a breeze, knock on wood. He continues to do well and it's been 3 weeks so far. We still do the pull up thing at night, but they are always dry when he wakes up. I can count his accidents on one hand and they all happened in the first week. I am so proud of my little 3 year old monster. What a gem.

1 comment:

Jen S said...

oh my gosh love the panties!